Leveraging Data to Build a Direct-To-Consumer Home Lending Unit 


A Leading Credit Union, with a large member-base wanted to scale Home Lending D2C operations to increase cross-sell opportunities for mortgages using existing members. 

3 minutes read


The new head of mortgage operations at ABC Federal Credit Union (name changed) with vast experience in running D2C operations started with a roadmap to primarily increase mortgage penetration amongst the member-base. The challenge was that any lead generation efforts were disjointed because of disjointed reporting and no visibility to member data. 







Make data the foundation on strategic planning for D2C Unit. To enable them create a data lake solution that was robust, secure and flexible for current and future needs. 

Solutions Used

The cloud architecture has set us for success and reduced our go to market time substantially.”

CTO | Leading Federal Credit Union


Using AWS and AWS Services, Synergi’s team built up a mortgage data mart on cloud for the Credit Union. The Data Mart would pull data from various systems, including banking and using scheduled jobs update all information daily. Further through Third-Party integration we were able to augment member data for prior mortgage footprint and property ownership. With QuickSight as a reporting tool, Synergi was also able to provide regular reporting on member profiles, their likelihood to transact, current campaign performance and subsequent lead conversions. 

Synergi's study on enhancing mortgage retention using their Omnichannel Mortgage Marketing suite and Response Driven Marketing Analytics. Focuses on personalized borrower communication via predictive modeling.


Adobe logo:  Synergi's study on enhancing mortgage retention using their Omnichannel Mortgage Marketing suite and Response Driven Marketing Analytics. Focuses on personalized borrower communication via predictive modeling.
Logo of Salesforce: Synergi's study on enhancing mortgage retention using their Omnichannel Mortgage Marketing suite and Response Driven Marketing Analytics. Focuses on personalized borrower communication via predictive modeling.
Logo of Hogan: Synergi's study on enhancing mortgage retention using their Omnichannel Mortgage Marketing suite and Response Driven Marketing Analytics. Focuses on personalized borrower communication via predictive modeling.
Logo of SQL Server: Synergi's study on enhancing mortgage retention using their Omnichannel Mortgage Marketing suite and Response Driven Marketing Analytics. Focuses on personalized borrower communication via predictive modeling.
Logo of Black Knight: Synergi's study on enhancing mortgage retention using their Omnichannel Mortgage Marketing suite and Response Driven Marketing Analytics. Focuses on personalized borrower communication via predictive modeling.

The Results


Within 3 months the client was able to setup a fully automated data environment.


Based on proxy cost estimates for the project from internal team Synergi was able to save $145K.

In the following month we were able report traffic and app conversion.


Elevate borrower engagement through our Omnichannel Marketing Platform.

Response-Driven Marketing

Boost marketing ROI with our targeted analytics and response models. lacinia.

See more of our work

370% Increase in Customer Retention 


A Leading Mortgage Lender concerned with high rate of churn on portfolio in a volatile rate environment. 


Setting up a Credit Trigger Program for Member Tracking 

Increase member engagement for members who are in the market for a mortgage product and offer solutions that would resonate with them. 


Tracking Borrower Digital Engagement 

Understanding pre-funnel digital behavior to maximize lead opportunity and application conversion. 

Implement This Strategy in Your Organization